Friday, August 30, 2019

Stupid Quote of the Week (SQOTW) 31Aug

Oh, Lordy Lordy. What a smorgasbord of stupid quotes I had to choose from this week. Bill Maher led the pack early when he opened his piehole about the death of Billionaire David Koch. Instead of dipping into my lexicon for the right words to tell the story, I'll steal this post about Maher with credit to Stiltons Place blog who took the words right out of my mouth:

Which is why on "Real Time with Bill Maher," the obnoxious comic celebrated David Koch's passing with the following monologue (repeated here verbatim):

Fuck him...I'm glad he's dead!
(pause for laughs)
He was 79, but his family says they wish it could be longer. But at least he lived long enough to see the Amazon catch fire.
(pause for laughs)
Condolences poured in from all the politicians he owned, and mourners are being asked in lieu of flowers to just leave their car engine running.
(pause for laughs)
As for his remains, he has asked to be cremated and have his ashes blown into a child's lungs.
(pause for laughs - then it's time to get serious)
He and his brother have done more than anybody to fund climate science deniers for decades, so fuck him. The Amazon is burning up. I'm glad he's dead and I hope the end was painful.

It's not rare to hear Leftists like Maher puke up naked hate speech, but to actually celebrate the pain that someone felt while dying of cancer is a new low.

We would never wish for the death or illness of anyone, and certainly not take pleasure from the pain someone experienced during an agonizing death. But if and when such a fate befalls Bill Maher personally, we're willing to make an exception to our rule.

This humorless bastard needs to start worrying a lot less about climate change, and a lot more about Karma.


David Koch once told the Wall Street Journal that he'd rather donate money to a good cause rather than "use it on buying a bigger house or a $150 million painting." Unlike the Obama family, clearly.

So to whom did David Koch donate?

$185 Million - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for cancer research, childcare center, biology building, and school of chemical engineering.

$150 Million - Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. The biggest gift the center ever received.

$128 Million - New York Presbyterian Hospital

$100 Million - New York State Theater at Lincoln Center

$66.7 Million - Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

$65 Million - The Metropolitan Museum of Art

$35 Million - Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History

$26.5 Million - M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

$26.2 Million - The Hospital for Special Surgery in New York

$20 Million - American Museum of Natural History

$20 Million - Johns Hopkins University, for a cancer research center.

If this was the Asshole of the Week contest, I'm sure Maher would have won hands down. Noting that he also hopes America will suffer an economic recession to hurt Trump's re-election chances elevates this cretin for the Asshole of the Year award. Can you imagine the uproar from liberals if it had been, say, Ruth Bader Ginsburg that died and Tucker Carlson or Sean Hannity said those words about her on the air? 

Why do liberals ignore their own sinners but attack the other side with absolute rabid ferocity?  ... But I digress. (Hey, maybe I should start an Asshole of the Week blog post to complement this one ... Hmmm.)

I thought surely Maher would take top honors this week. But I was wrong; CNN came through again. It was a tough choice with CNN's April Ryan explaining why she had her (now, suddenly "former") bodyguard eject a cameraman (and steal his camera which ended in an arrest for assault, among other things) ... and then deny, in typical Sergeant Schultz fashion she told him to do anything. Suddenly, she knows nothing.

Ironically, April has sermonized about the sanctity of the freedom of the press with this tweet:

But April Ryan lost out to yet another CNN commentator who stooped lower than whale shit on the floor of the ocean to (again) prove CNN has -zero- credibility to match its paltry viewer ratings. Many Americans already know this after watching them air potential Democrat Presidential candidate and (for a little while more, anyway) Attorney Michael Avanatti over 200 times while he bashed Trump ... well, until he was arrested for such petty crimes as extortion, defrauding his clients and tax evasion.   ... But I digress again.

CNN's media pundit Brian Stelter outdid them all when he put on a credentialed whack-job psychiatrist who, unchecked, uttered these pearls of lunacy on the air:

“Trump is as destructive a person in this century as Hitler, Stalin, Mao were in the last century. He may be responsible for many more million deaths than they were,” psychiatrist Dr. Allen Frances told Stelter.

Instead of challenging him or outright stopping him, Stelter let him ramble on. When asked later why he didn't, Stelter offered this lame excuse:
The Blaze media critic Rob Eno said that he’s “not buying” Stelter’s excuse.
“That would be believable if Stelter hadn’t spent the last three years telling us that Trump was a threat to established norms and that the media should talk about Trump’s mental state,” Eno wrote. “Frances’ characterization is exactly the path Stelter wanted to go down, because it fits his agenda.”
The psychiatrist that was booked by Stelter has a long history on social media of anti-Trump tweets, among other things.

The fair question in this whole scenario is would be a multiple-choice question as to who is more non-compos mentis, Dr. Frances or CNN's Brian Stelter?

And finally, for Dr. (and I use that term loosely) Frances who uttered such off the wall poppycock, I offer this:

The Goldwater rule is the informal name given to section 7 in the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) Principles of Medical Ethics, which states that it is unethical for psychiatrists to give a professional opinion about public figures whom they have not examined in person, and from whom they have not obtained consent to discuss their mental health in public statements. It is named after former US Senator and 1964 presidential candidate Barry Goldwater.

The issue arose in 1964 when Fact published the article "The Unconscious of a Conservative: A Special Issue on the Mind of Barry Goldwater". The magazine polled psychiatrists about US Senator Barry Goldwater and whether he was fit to be president. Goldwater sued magazine editor Ralph Ginzburg and managing editor Warren Boroson, and in Goldwater v. Ginzburg (July 1969) received damages totaling $75,000 ($512,000 today).
Yeah, I had the combo-platter of stupid quotes to work with this week. Gee, who could have seen CNN would have a qualifying entry 2 weeks in a row? But if anybody won the the stupid quote of the week, hands down it is the fruitcake psychiatrist who proved liberalism is a disease that robs logic and lowers mental capacity, as evidenced by those words.

I'd say physician heal thyself, but in this case I'm rather doubtful it's even a possibility at this point. Thanks for proving my previous points about higher education often being a complete waste, "doctor."

Added PS: Yes, I saw MS-NBC's Lawrence O'Donnell lie about Trump and then retract it under threat of a libel lawsuit. But that's just ordinary fake news excrement and most of us (save the idiots who actually believe what they say) know it as such. I also thought about mentioning James Comey (the disgraced former head of the FBI), but I'm going to save that for a coming blog about how obscene it is when both state and federal justice departments get hijacked for political purposes. ... When I get time, that is.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Stupid Quote of the Week 24Aug

I am trying. Really. I am waiting for a late-model Trump quote to make it to the top. Surprisingly, he has not qualified for consideration since I began this weekly tribute to public stupidity about 3 weeks ago. Oh, he has uttered some good ones in the past, and this week the one about being the chosen one almost made the grade.

But he was aced out by the competition again. CNN's Angela Rye led the pack early with a really, really stupid quote, one which I thought would surely win this week. In a televised conversation with Republican strategist Patrick Griffin, she demonstrated just how many boxes of Fruit Loops she has consumed with these words of ignorant racism:

“You can talk over me all you want to but the bottom line is the greatest terrorist threat in this country is white men, white men who think like you. That is the greatest terrorist threat in this country.”

Psst: Hey Angela, I'm not sure what aberrant mental condition you have, but I'd guess it's hard to spell. Get help, please. Using your bully-pulpit to incite and inflame the racial divide by indicting white men as terrorists (sans evidence) explains why the biggest chant at Trump rallies is CNN Sucks, CNN Sucks.

Perhaps white men think people that are members of the fake news media who spew shit like this are the greatest terrorist threat in the country. And I suspect they already know real terrorists come in all sizes, shapes and colors. Just take a random clinical sampling of them if you're in doubt and consider what class the majority fall into. Here's a hint, Angela: Wonder-Bread whites are in the minority on the list.

But (to my surprise) even that was outdone by this gem reported by Fox News :

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, from now on a convicted felon or an offender released from custody will be known as a “formerly incarcerated person,” or a “justice-involved” person or just a “returning resident.”

A juvenile “delinquent” will now be called a “young person with justice system involvement,” or a “young person impacted by the juvenile justice system.

Drug addicts or substance abusers will become “a person with a history of substance use.”

“We don’t want people to be forever labeled for the worst things that they have done,” Supervisor Matt Haney told the newspaper. “We want them ultimately to become contributing citizens, and referring to them as felons is like a scarlet letter that they can never get away from.”

The new language is non-binding, with the district attorney endorsing the measure. (As if it could ever be binding... if I remember correctly, Amendment One is still in place.)

I'm not sure if Matt Haney is related to the famous "Mr. Haney" who starred on the TV show Green Acres years ago. But I suspect that he found a green plant somewhere and burned it slowly while inhaling before coming out with those words. They simply deny reality.

Mr. Haney, there's a reason society marks these people with these terms: So that we, residents who never left in the first place may know them as such and prepare ourselves in case they plan on moving away again suddenly.

There is another possibility: Getting back to Green Acres, perhaps one of Mrs. Douglas's hotscakes hit you in the head a long time ago.

It's the only explanation that makes sense to me after reading those words. And to Ms. Rye, who lost out in this weeks competition, I'm sure you will qualify for the top prize someday.

Keep trying, Angela. I'm sure you can win; just pray nobody says anything more stupid than you for a whole week and then come up with some more ignorant and divisive words.

And you think Trump's words incite violence. Shame on you, CNN. You really do suck.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Stupid Quote of the Week 17Aug

It was a tough call this week. I had some good material to work with; Elizabeth Fauxcahontas Warren started off the week with a whacky tweet about celebrating the life of a young thug who, after the most intensive investigation ever into a racial "murder" that wasn't, deemed it to be murder anyway. Of course, I'm talking about Ferguson, Missouri and Michael Brown when she pandered for black votes with her tweet. Even blacks realize Michael Brown got what he asked for when, after robbing a store on camera, he thought it would be a good idea to assault a police officer in his patrol car. Obama and Holder promised them justice, and in an ironic way that's exactly what Michael Brown got, not to mention the scads of money his family made after the "tragedy" while watching Ferguson burn.

But she was outdone by Chris "Fredo" Cuomo, ostensibly a CNN news anchor who melted down after being called Fredo in public. Paradoxically, Cuomo has used the term "Fredo" during his broadcasts often, which makes me wonder what his standards really are. Is it ok to call somebody else "Fredo" on a national broadcast but melt down with threats of physical assault when the term is turned around and used on him? As the saying goes, Fredo: You won't be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger. Wearing that nickname for the rest of your life (as I previously blogged about) is poetic justice. You earned it; wear it with pride.

But both of them were outdone on Friday, when I read this gem in a column written by Leonard Pitts Jr., whose Miami-Herald column is published nationally ... oh, maybe once a  week or so. Leonard uses his poison-pen to regularly slam Trump, whites, and racism. Oh, the irony! Pitts is, in my opinion, the biggest reverse-racist I've ever read, and I've read some doosies. He was writing about the 50th anniversary of Woodstock and decided to racially slant it with this quote:

Jimi Hendrix famously closed Woodstock by fracturing the national anthem, his guitar splintering the song into jagged, defiantly ugly shards, reflecting the jagged, ugly shards of the nation’s division. And that, too, remains relevant 50 years on. 

All of a sudden, Woodstock was about racism according to Pitts. Ugly shards, says he. The fact that the almost 500,000 had dwindled to about 40,000 on Monday morning (most of the crowd left Sunday evening) when he finally got to play didn't deter him from opening his act with a tribute to the Star-Spangled Banner. Hendrix was undoubtedly the best guitarist of his time and his message was not one of racism at all.

Ugly shards? He was playing about the nation's division? Where did that come from, Leonard? Only the deep, dark recesses of your angry racist mind could have produced those words, Mr. Pitts.

No, Leonard. He was celebrating and playing the national anthem was his salute to America. And he not only played it, Leonard, but he added to it by making his guitar copy the sounds of the rockets and bombardments that inspired the song. They weren't ugly shards, Leonard. They were awesome, they were inspiring and they didn't divide the nation. If anything, they helped bind the wounds of the time, and there were wounds then just as there are now.

So while you celebrate the downfall of patriotism when black athetes take a knee during the national anthem, and as you continually make excuses for those pathetic spoiled brats who cash their million-dollar (s) a year paycheck, remember one thing, Leonard:

Jimi Hendrix never took a knee to America. He knew where he came from and he knew if he could make it, then anybody could, and that's the American Jimi Hendrix was.

Unlike you, Leonard. You're just a purveyor of angry words stoking the flames of racism. Instead of using your platform to help, you use it to spread fear, divide and destroy.

And that's why you made my Stupid Quote of the Week, Leonard. Congratulations, you aced out some really tough competitors. Keep up the bad work (as if you need me to tell you that).

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

How to Earn a Nickname Forever

I dedicate these words to Chris Fredo Cuomo and wish him luck in trying to free himself from his new moniker. Chris is a prominent CNN News Anchor, is paid a good salary and also enjoys fame because his brother Andrew is the current governor of New York State. Andrew won re-election by winning 15 out of 62 counties in the state in his last (and I'm hoping it's really his last) run. Measured by acre, almost 90% of NYS voted against Andrew. Both of them are the progeny of former NY Governor Mario Cuomo, a lackluster politician whom Andrew shamelessly named a new bridge over the Hudson river after recently. Most of us common folk still call it the Tappan Zee bridge for some strange reason.

Both Andrew and Chris seem to be Type A personalities, although Andrew seems to measure his words somewhat better when in public. Occasionally, he lets his guard down as we have seen when he said America will never be great again because it was never that great to begin with. While shocked at that statement, I'm thankful he made it because it will come back to haunt him if he ever seriously runs for the White House.

Chris, er, Fredo seems to have an anger management problem, as seen in his very recent meltdown when somebody dared to call him Fredo in public. Fredo is, of course a reference to the Godfather movie that portrayed him as the weaker son, one who also ended up dead at his younger brothers orders when his disloyalty to the family could no longer be tolerated. We tend to think of Fredo as weak and somewhat feeble-minded; apparently that was enough to trigger Chris Fredo Cuomo into a violent rage, one in which he physically threatened the person who called him that. In the recorded interaction, no physical threat was ever made to Fredo.

Ah, this time you earned the title, Fredo. You could have laughed it off, walked away or simply ignored it. But you chose not to, and you made the mistake of melting down in front of a camera. These famous words will make you Fredo forever, Mr. Cuomo:

I'll fucking ruin your shit. I'll fucking throw you down these stairs.

Nice touch. As expected, CNN stood by him, physical threats and all. But then again, it's CNN aka fake news, and their declining ratings reflect that reality. Cuomo is, of course, posing as  news anchor when he's really a liberal snake-oil salesman parroting the company line. Well, most of the time, save that in which he lets us know he wants to throw somebody down the stairs.

Hey Fredo, Here's a suggestion: Grow some thicker skin. If that doesn't work, take an anger management course, something your bosses at CNN should have immediately signed you up for. And ironically, you went against the liberal screed on safe places, bullying and the like. You melted like the snowflake you are, albeit a "tough guy" snowflake if there ever was one.

But if there is any one thing that is 100% certain to come out of this, it is that you will go to your grave being called Fredo forever.

In this case, it's so fitting. Congratulations, you really earned this nickname. Now when we see it in the news, we'll immediately think of you. Thanks for the laugh,  Fredo.

Oh yeah, right now you're in the lead for my regular blog Stupid Quote of the Week. But it's only Tuesday, and we'll see if anybody opens their mouth with even more stupid words than yours before Saturday.

Good luck, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you'll stay in the lead.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Stupid Quote of the Week

There is no shortage of material, to be sure. I'm going to try to do this once a week, and I'll try to be fair and lampoon the stupidity of both sides. If Trump says something grossly stupid during the preceding week that beats everybody else out, I'll put it up. Ditto for Congresspeople, Senators, celebrities, or just about anybody with some sort of notoriety. They're all fair game. If I can't decide between 2 quotes, I'll declare a tie and post them both.

This weeks winner is:

Rosanna Arquette (Famous Hollywood actress)
The "Pulp Fiction" actress, 59, took to Twitter Wednesday to talk about her race and upbringing, tweeting, "I’m sorry I was born white and privileged. It disgusts me."    "And I feel so much shame."
Wow. Jesus H. Chrysler, how stupid is that combination of words? WTF, over? She wishes she was born poor and another color? Is this some sort of new racial twist where you slam yourself for something beyond your own control? You're disgusted with yourself for your skin color, something you had no say in whatsoever?
Rosanna dear, there are lotteries in life and winning is generally accepted as a good thing. You've already won more than your share of them. First, being born at all makes you a lottery winner. Being born in America was the second lottery you won. And you capped it by winning the trifecta of lotteries with fame and fortune in Sodom and Gomor, er, Hollywood. All in all, not bad work. Most folks would love to have your success in life and would even take the shame of having white skin if that's what comes with the deal.
Thanks for telling us just how raw stupid you are. I'm going to go out on a limb here and ask you if there is anything else you're ashamed of, like your good looks, large bank account, nice house ... maybe your Jewish mother (if AOC, Ilhan Omar and Rashida can get away with anti-semitic language, so can you). Come clean, Rosanna. As long as you're in the confessional, let's hear it all.
You can do something about it. First, sell everything you own. Next, let yourself go. Become slovenly. Eat 2 cheese pizzas a day and top it off with a gallon of ice cream; that ought to take care of that svelte body in no time. Give away the rest of your money to underprivileged people. Then start walking the streets. In no time, that shame will leave you. You'll be cured quickly.
Good luck, Rosanna. That tweet won this weeks competition, and with Bernie, Kamala, Beto, Joe (and others) nipping at your heels this week, let me be the first to congratulate you on winning.
Please don't say you're ashamed of that too. It would hurt my feelings, and we both know how sensitive I am. Okay, be ashamed, but not disgusted. I can live with that.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Don't Tell Me You're Shocked

2 more mass shootings. And of course, in a pre-Presidential election year, we're hearing the regular bullshit: It's ______ fault. Fill in the blank with gun nuts, Trump, Congress, the NRA, lax gun laws, or whatever/whomever you feel like blaming if it makes you feel good.

You're so wrong. The perpetrators already got what they wanted: Your anger and shock.

Ah, but ...

Don't tell me you're shocked. This country is deeply diseased as well as deeply divided, and there is a correlation. In a country of programmed violence found EVERYWHERE, don't tell me you're shocked. Don't ignore it. It's on TV. It's on social media. It's in the game arcade at your mall. It's in the bullying at your high school. It's in video games you bought your kids such as Grand Theft Auto, Doom, Wolfenstein, etc, etc. It's prevalent. And it has desensitized a whole generation to the real effects of killing.

Don't tell me you're shocked. Don't tell me you haven't been paying attention to the violence in the streets. Don't tell me you haven't been paying attention to ANTIFA violence, college campus violence, Ferguson violence, shooting Congressmen playing baseball violence, the burning and looting in DC during the Inauguration violence, and so on. Unless you're deaf and blind, I'm not buying it. You stood by and saw it happen.

Don't tell me you're shocked. The degradation of morals and values in this country started quite a while ago. The breakdown of family units has been going on for decades now. You let some liberal organizations take God and religion out of your life. Unsurprisingly, the number of single-parent families has been on the rise for a long time, and in one culture, almost 3 out of 4 babies born are to single mothers. This is a recipe for disaster, as we have witnessed.

Don't tell me you're shocked. The emptying of mental wards and casting sick people out into society because it was a cheaper alternative is now paying dividends. Was the price worth it?

Don't tell me you're shocked. Watching tents spring up in large cities and walking around piles of shit on the sidewalks should have shocked you long ago. But it didn't, and when these cities announced they were sanctuaries, you should have been shocked even worse. But you weren't.

Don't tell me you're shocked. Don't tell me a whole slew of new guns laws is going to stop this. It isn't. When a society has degraded into this level of sickness, it's not the tool used to commit these crimes that is at fault. It's the sick people that are responsible, and until we bring back sentences equal to the crime committed in an expedient manner, justice in this country is never going to deter these nutcases from killing as many people as possible just for the notoriety.

And finally, don't tell me you're going to take away my right to defend myself against these maniacs. Gun-free zones are prime territory for these whack-jobs and that's often where they strike. Disarming the people is specifically barred in our Constitution, and for good reason. Only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun. When the chips are down, a defensive gun in the hand is worth the entire police department 5 minutes away.

Until our culture recognizes it is sick and works to turn that around by addressing mental health problems, turning the general population into sheep is not the answer. Attacking politicians is not the answer. New guns laws stacked on top of a gazillion old gun laws is not the answer. Telling us that the second amendment should be repealed is not the answer.

Looking in the mirror and deciding to repair basic societal values is the answer. I'm not sure what the answer is to how, but I do know removing guns from the general population won't accomplish that. The only thing that can come of that is the creation of a whole new class of victims, and that simply isn't a solution. In the meanwhile, may I suggest taking a firearms course if you are not familiar with them and then filing paperwork to carry. You may not like that, you may not want to do that, and if so, that's fine too.

But don't tell me you're shocked. Sorry, I'm just not buying it.

A Few Thoughts as We Turn the Page

  It's a new year. It's a new administration. Or is it? Like Yogi said, It's Deja Vu all over again. We have seen the biggest po...