Monday, August 24, 2020

It's a Package Deal. No Ala Cartes.

As the Presidential Election heats up, sides are being chosen. I'm not talking about simple party choices, Republican or Democrat. I'm talking about sides that are quite divided on some issues, but not others. However, when you choose a candidate for one specific reason, you also get everything else the candidate stands for.

For example, I have a friend who is a postal worker. (I don't know if he will still be after he reads this, but I'm not shy about telling people my views and he already knows that.) Anyway, he's a union rep and his union just endorsed Joe Biden because they don't like Donald Trump's goal of balancing the Post Office budget. His union is also pushing the Democrat Congressman over the Republican.

His reasoning is obvious. To him, it's all about who will give the postal workers more. I understand that.

However, he's also a gun guy. He likes to hunt and guns are part and parcel of that sport. He doesn't understand his Democrat Congressman will sell him down the river when he's told how to vote on a (anti) gun bill regardless of what the constituency in his area overwhelmingly wants. So when Joe Biden says he will put Beto Hell yes I'll take your guns O'Rourke in charge of the gun issue, remember - you  voted for it.

We've already seen this Democrat Congressman fail to represent the wishes of the district. In NY-22, Trump won the district by about 16%. That double-digit number is remarkable because it tells you the will of the district - this is clearly Trump country. Fast forward to 2018 and the the 2019 impeachment vote. Yup, you guess it - he voted to impeach.

Oh, he went through the motions and made the I'm soul searching statements, but it's obvious that when you accept money from Babs Streisand, Alec Baldwin and Rosey O'Donnell, you owe them something and that's your vote when their hate reaches the floor in an impeachment vote. The conclusion is obvious: He was bought and paid for, and that same money is coming back into his campaign fund in an effort to keep him in office for the next time they tell him how to vote.

So it's a trade-off. Your union endorses in an effort to get more at work, but you lose in other ways. If the Democrats get their way, eventually there will be no private gun ownership, period.

But wait, there's more!

You are also endorsing abortion, especially late-term abortion when you endorse the guy you think will vote to give you more at work. Oh, I'm sure you don't want that smell tied to you, but it is by proxy. This Congressman repeatedly voted for late-term abortion when he was in NY government. Late-term abortion is, of course, a polite term for infanticide.

You don't get to pick and choose. It's a package deal, all or none. No ala carte. No some of this, but none of that. You're willing to send an eventual gun-grabbing baby murderer back to Washington hoping for a fatter paycheck or better benefits, that's your business.

But don't turn around and tell me you support the second amendment or are against abortion.

You indicated your preferences when you endorsed and voted. You get the whole package, kit and caboodle.

Just like the sign at the Chinese restaurant says.

No substitutions.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Generation U

Maybe it's me. Perhaps Oprah is right; old white people just have to die. (Yes, she actually said that.) Since I'm not raising my hand and volunteering to fulfill Oprah's desire, I guess I'll just keep doing what I'm doing (trying to enjoy life) until God grants her wish.

In the meantime, it has occurred to me that perhaps the wrong generation is being told to fuck die off. As we witness the greatest generation wane to extinction with the baby boomers joining them in spectacular numbers, the thought that life is sometimes unfair has crossed my mind lately. Personally, I think the wrong generations are dying off.

Let's get one thing on the table: The generation labeled the greatest generation is aptly named, because there will never be a generation as great as that one. They are the ones that bled and died so that you wouldn't be goose-stepping while speaking German ... or Japanese, or perhaps both.

Those that came home sired the baby boomers and I happen to be one of those. Lately, somehow I'm being told that I'm guilty of something. It's a color and I'm also told I'm privileged because of it. Never mind that I came from a poor white (broken) family and worked myself out of it, never mind that I made sacrifices and decisions along the way that sometimes hurt me and sometimes helped me. All I wanted was an opportunity, and while there are those that will argue with me that opportunity comes in different flavors, I can say that America does offer opportunity to everybody, but it doesn't tell them it's opportunity. You have to figure that out by yourself.

Then came the Gen-Xers and things began to change. I'm not going to blame the X'ers for the problems of America, but I am going to say they weren't as repulsed as their parents were at the problems liberalism has wreaked on America.

Millennials  came next and they carried America's journey left ever further, but they understood the limits. They understood that America is a capitalist country and that to succeed they had to embrace a work ethic as their parents before them had done.

But now we're dealing with Generation Z and this generation has some rather funny ideas about things. They're the ones with measurable numbers promoting socialism and ... well, I call it free everything. Somehow, the work to be successful (and eat) paradigm has faded away. They don't only want it, they want it now. The idea of working and saving is an insult to many of them.

I think the nickname they have been given is wrong. Gen-Z may have a cool ring to it, but it's inaccurate. A more appropriate name would be Generation-U and in my opinion (which means nothing) it more accurately describes their mantra.

Gen-U is the term I have in mind. The "U" could mean unhappy and I'm certain many of them are. But the more accurate term would be ungrateful and that's what I mean when I say Gen-U. No, not every person born in the late 1990s and on is ungrateful, but as I view the rioters, arsonist destroyers and looters in the major cities (not to mention Antifa, Chazmania and so on), it becomes obvious that these are the worst of the current generation. I'm not sure what will make them happy (other than free everything and/or political power), but then again I don't really care if they're happy or not. I just care that they're not trying to tear down the system that allows opportunity to be seized.

Generation U. If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit. From my point of view, the glove fits pretty damn good.

A Few Thoughts as We Turn the Page

  It's a new year. It's a new administration. Or is it? Like Yogi said, It's Deja Vu all over again. We have seen the biggest po...