Thursday, January 2, 2025

A Few Thoughts as We Turn the Page

 It's a new year. It's a new administration. Or is it? Like Yogi said, It's Deja Vu all over again.

We have seen the biggest political comeback in history. Will America finally ever come together or will we forever play partisan politics to the extreme? I prefer the former, not the latter, but I'm also a realist. Different generations have different ideas. There will never be another greatest generation, one of self-sacrifice for the greater good of the country. Every generation since then has watered that pretty thin.

But there still are patriots among us. We see them in different forms. Some are named Daniel Penny, but most are just average Joes. The thing they all have in common is a desire to remain anonymous. But I digress.

As the old departs and the new arrives, a few things occurred to me that I'd like to share with you.

# It will be a cold day in hell before the Democrats run another woman for President.

This is not saying women can't do the job or are not qualified, it's saying the current political state of affairs in the US has shown us it's not happening - yet. If I were to bet, I'd put my money on a Republican breaking the glass ceiling before a Democrat. Yet, I'm absolutely sure that a few Democrats are thinking the third time's got to be the charm ... I mean, I've heard banter about Harris '28. As one idiot ranted when Trump announced in 2016 ... Do it. Do it.

# I don't think Trump is going to take any sideshow or distraction very long this time. He has 4 years and a real opportunity to turn things around and he has assembled a remarkable team to help him get things done.

Again, no more Russia, Russia, Russia will ever be taken seriously by any sane American now. That ticket has been punched, and as the Jews say - never again.

# It was a landslide.

Oh, there have been bigger ones. But, let's set the Presidential results (both electorial and popular vote) aside for the moment and look at the totality of the election: Trump pulled the House and Senate along with him, and that's huge when you figure he needs them to get things done. Also, the SCOTUS has some aging members and Trump might get another one or two bites at the apple there also.

# Legacy media is corrupt and technology is replacing them - and I'll shed no tears over that.

The amount of spin the legacy media put on Kamala Harris is mathematically incalculable. On March 15 (4 months before Biden withdrew and handed Kamala the hat), the Washington Post ran an article on it's opinion page entitled For the Sake of the Country, the Vice President Should Step Aside. Four months later, the legacy media is pumping the shit out of her in an effort to get her elected. Folks, this is a person who can't speak three coherent sentences in a row, and America was being spun up with left-liberal hype to vote for somebody one of their own urged Biden to dump only four month earlier?

Legacy media is losing to social media and the internet just as legacy press media has been doing for the last few decades. We don't have to listen to Lester Holt tell us how Donald Trump attacked our allies today (an actual opening Holt used when it was Trump-45) ... We don't have to listen to Don Lemon anymore literally telling us we're fucking stupid (Pot calling kettle, Don)... The pendulum has swung back, thank God. It's time to return to more sane times.

# DEI will DIE as it should.

Hey. Picture this: You're in a modern state of the art airplane, say, a Boeing 777-300ER flying at 38,000 feet. You're somewhere over the Atlantic and all of a sudden there is a big noise and the cabin lights go out. Now ask yourself this: Do you want a DEI hire up front in either of the seats making life and death decisions, or do you want people up there that earned their seat with a lot of study, hard work, and plenty of flying hours in their logbooks?

I thought so. Thanks for your honesty. Now apply it to all potential life and death sciences - medicine, air traffic control, engineering, etc. We'll keep the meritocracy, thank you.

# Government Efficiency is an Oxymoron

Yes, it is. But knowing that, shouldn't we at least try to address that? I can't remember any administration saying government is too bloated and we're going to work on fixing it. Putting two very intelligent outsiders who have proven they know a thing or two about money in charge of looking at it, and making recommendations is not a bad idea. Anybody have any better ones? Let's hear them, I'm  all ears.

# The Republicans have more and better candidates for 2028 in the slot than Democrats.

JD Vance and Ron DeSantis are probably going to duke it out in 2028. May the best man win, and please, don't take the low road in the primaries. Who's on the other side of the fence measuring the drapes? Seriously, who? Gavin rules for thee, not me Newsom? We saw the blunders the blue state Governors made during the scamdemic. What was especially egregious was when the Dem leaders broke their own rules. Newsom eating out at some fancy French food joint (The French Laundry? What an odd name for a restaurant) is going to come back to bite him. Oh, and Gavin - closing the Cali public schools while you dropped your own kids off to the high-faluttin' private school you kept open ... there's a word for that .. hy ... hyp ... Oh yeah: Hypocrisy.

# It will be another cold day in hell before would-be car bombers use another Cybertruck

I'm no big fan of EVs, but I have to hand it to Elon. He's right, they're built strong. Most of the damage was self-contained. Not only that, the monitoring systems ratted out everything they could about the truck, including when/where it's been, when/where it was recharged (with video), and probably video of the driver at some point. Stay tuned, this story isn't over yet.

# We will probably see an end to the Ukraine war early in Trump's term.

I'm not sure what the terms will be, but I'm thinking with a better than 4:1 kill ratio in favor of the Ukrainian military, what Putin thought was going to be a walk in the woods has made him rethink his game. He's made motions towards the US kicking off peace talks, so I'm thinking Trump is going to seize that opportunity to start the process. Not to mention, like the mafia says, it's hurting business and that has to end before both sides bleed to death.

I could go on, but that's enough for now. On January 20, can we stop being Left and Right for a day? Can we just be Americans that still believe in America?

Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts. And oh yeah.

Fuck you, Don Lemon. Make the pose - You know, the one with the forefinger and thumb making an L, and then put it to your forehead, you sad, pathetic little man.

A Few Thoughts as We Turn the Page

  It's a new year. It's a new administration. Or is it? Like Yogi said, It's Deja Vu all over again. We have seen the biggest po...