Hitler certainly comes in with high numbers. Stalin and Mao are right up there also. Vlad or Attila, probably not.
Bzzz. Time's up. The biggest murderer of all time is, in my opinion (now I'm covered for libel) is a portly senior citizen named Sarah Weddington. She has silver-gray hair, a nice smile and looks like somebody Norman Rockwell might use as a grandmother serving pie after dinner. I'd even bet she's polite and kind to animals. Oh yes, she's very much still alive as I write this article.
Who, pray tell, is Sarah Weddington and why do I think she is the greatest murderer of all time, you might ask.
She's not an everyday household name, but she is famous in one circle. She is the attorney who argued successfully in Roe v Wade at the Supreme Court, which opened the door to legal abortion in America. Initially, only in the first trimester, but we all know how a door ajar quickly gets kicked wide open ... which, of course, it did. BTW, the vote was 7-2 and if you want to blame the court, feel free - but remember, they would not have been able to even hear the case had Sarah not filed the legal briefs first.
If you think abortion is not murder, that's your right. It's also an opinion just as mine is. If you're like me and think that abortion on demand of a viable human being is, in fact, a form of murder, then read on. If not, stop reading further; you won't like more of my thoughts about this subject. Viability is, of course established at some date in utero. We were all there once, and as Ronald Reagan notably said, I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.
Depending on your view of how we got here (creation, evolution or a mix of both), your views on abortion may vary. Biological systems are complex, and one of the important functions of biology is reproduction. The bible says Go forth and multiply and certainly mankind has accomplished that task. To ensure the continuity of the species, our creator added lust to the recipe and so far it seems to have worked marvelously.
When the topic comes up in conversation, sometimes I ask Why does a carrot grow?
Nobody gives me the real answer. I hear everything from that's what they do... to ...so we can eat them.
Answers like that miss the point. A carrot grows for one main purpose: To reproduce. Everything else is a support system to accomplish that end. And so it is for the human race: We are programmed to reproduce. It's not learned, it's innate. History proves that even without educated bulb-heads telling us how it works, somehow our primitive ancestors figured it out. If they hadn't, you wouldn't be reading this right now.
When medicine advances far enough to make it a routine procedure, and the law changes to remove legal consequences, is it acceptable? To some, yes. To others, no. IMHO, elective abortion is homicide and as the numbers increase, then it becomes genocide. Not that it matters, but most Christian churches agree with me ... which is kind of ironic in that Sarah's father was a Christian minister. I suspect with that upbringing she was more than familiar with the 6th commandment.
I was puzzled when I saw the picture below. New Yorkers all know (or should) who the lawmakers are in it: Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul, Legislative leaders Carl Heastie and Andrea Stewart-Cousins. But who is the dowdy old lady sitting next to Cuomo, and further, what is she doing there? Why are they all smiling?
The politicians are smiling because they passed the late term abortion bill (aka legal infanticide) and Cuomo was signing it into law. FWIW, this bill failed repeatedly until NY Democrats took control of all 3 branches of NY government. Ironically, they called this the Reproductive Justice bill ... Well, not for some still in utero. Sucks to be you, sorry.
Even more ironic are the politicians whose own religion opposes it. The guy with the pen in the picture above, for example. Or our own (former NY Assemblyman who previously co-sponsored the bill) Congressman Brindisi. Both of these people are practicing Catholics, and until the church decides to enforce their own dogma, seeing these people in the communion line won't be an unusual sight.
Even more ironic are the politicians whose own religion opposes it. The guy with the pen in the picture above, for example. Or our own (former NY Assemblyman who previously co-sponsored the bill) Congressman Brindisi. Both of these people are practicing Catholics, and until the church decides to enforce their own dogma, seeing these people in the communion line won't be an unusual sight.
The double-chinned smiling lady in the picture confused me. Who was she? Why did she make the cut?
It took me a while to find out that's Sarah. She was there as an invited VIP to celebrate the legality of late-term abortion. Like Adolf Hitler, she wasn't at the front lines doing the hands-on work (except for her own Mexican abortion in 1967, according to wiki). Her work merely started the ball rolling.
And that is why, in my humble opinion she rings the bell as instigating the biggest and longest genocide of all time. 46 years and counting ... and every day, every week, every year the number keeps growing.... Kind of like the debt clock, but with a different cost: Human life.
What Hitler did to his victims was evil and worthy of the term holocaust. What Sarah Weddington did in 1973, in my opinion put Hitler in second place.
This is probably the largest moral political issue of our time. If you absolutely don't want children but choose to engage in sex, I strongly advocate judicious use of contraceptives to avoid dealing with this issue. But ladies, if you somehow find yourself in an untenable situation, please seriously consider adoption as an alternative ... and, if after considering all the options, you are bound and determined to abort ... Please, please do it right away. Physically tearing developed arms and legs off a late-term fetus or having a pair of scissors end the life of a human being during abortive-birth is grotesque, not to mention the pain a living being feels during surgical vivisection. That's cruel and inhumane torture; ironically, we treat our pets better. At that point, you're not an abortion patient anymore, you're the parent of a dead human. As I write this, the Michigan legislature has passed bills intended to outlaw fetal dismemberment during abortion, but the Governor (a Democrat) has said she will veto it ... which is not surprising. Georgia and Alabama recently went the other way restricting abortion to pre-heartbeat development (about 6 weeks). This issue is pretty much divided along party lines, and in these states legal battles will certainly begin shortly. I'm hoping the Supreme Court revisits this again; they have reversed themselves on occasion and it would be interesting to see a fresh ruling.
As you can plainly see, while I don't like abortion, I especially abhor late-term abortion of viable human beings because a developed nervous system does feel pain and dismemberment while alive ... is ... simply ... barbaric.
As you can plainly see, while I don't like abortion, I especially abhor late-term abortion of viable human beings because a developed nervous system does feel pain and dismemberment while alive ... is ... simply ... barbaric.
Make no mistake about it: A fetus is not a tumor or unknown growth. These are living beings renting space in a uterus just as you did in your mother. It's God's pay-it-forward system of ensuring we continue as a species.
Yes, I'm a man. No, I don't know everything female. This is how God has us reproduce. We don't get to redesign reproduction, only use (or abuse) it. Arguments about woman's rights in this matter leave out one important group: Those that can't defend themselves at the debate table. The other argument that men shouldn't be able to make laws about women also falls short. There are plenty of men and woman in the legislature, not to mention there are plenty of both sexes on the street that view things the other way.
Is everything legal also moral? Think about it. The answer is pretty obvious.
Is everything legal also moral? Think about it. The answer is pretty obvious.
Oh. The number, you want the number: Over Sixty million since 1973 according to the majority of google hits.
So much for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness ... those unalienable rights given to us by our creator, as written in the precursor to our Constitution (The Declaration of Independence) in 1776.
So much for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness ... those unalienable rights given to us by our creator, as written in the precursor to our Constitution (The Declaration of Independence) in 1776.
It's not really pro-life versus pro-choice. It's pro-life versus pro-death. Let's call it what it really is. The lines are drawn, folks. Like holocaust survivor and famous Nazi-hunter Elie Wiesel said: We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.
Choose wisely. There is no middle-of-the-road on this issue. You either value all human life ... or you don't.