Thursday, May 9, 2019

Professing Themselves to be Wise, They Became Fools

These are crazy times we live in. Almost every day, another pearl of wisdom rolls out of the mouth of one of the announced Presidential candidates seeking the Democrat nomination. It appears that each one is trying to outdo the others with loony ideas, and further, isn't embarrassed to share these gems with the American public. I'm probably writing this too early because I'm sure more dimbulb ideas will emerge between now and convention time.

Some of these escapees from the lunatic asylum have proposed:
  • Allowing jailed prisoners, including felons to vote
  • Free health care for illegals (as if they don't already show up at ERs with no money)
  • Sanctuary cities and even worse, sanctuary states (Except Florida. They just said 'No thanks')
  • Abolishing the electoral college (Yay! Then only 4 states will elect Presidents!)
  • Lowering the voting age to 16
  • Reparations for slavery that occurred over 150 years ago (or, how to sew up the black vote)
  • A slew of new guns laws, including putting gun owners in jail (Hitler, Mao and Stalin ring a bell?)
  • Universal basic income (Is this a new name for Welfare?)
  • Medicare for everybody ... or age 50, depending on the temperature that day
  • $600 given to every voter so they can "donate" to election campaigns (Suddenly, everybody is running and giving themselves $600, Senator Gillibrand)
  • The NEW green deal that only costs $93 trillion (A bargain! Only $600,000 per household)
  • Abolishing ICE, the Federal Immigration Police (Oh sure, that will help stem the flow of illegals)

The leftward march of Democrats is alarming, because if history is any teacher some of these ideas are eventually going to be law. As I look at the list of candidates, I'm tempted to start a betting square on who is going to drop first ... and then second through five. There are about 20 or so in the race at the moment, but that number will slim down fast next year as we get to the serious contenders. Biden is in the lead as I write this, but that can change in a heartbeat (if it happens, figuratively, not literally I hope). Keep in mind most of these people are in the race for 2 reasons: 1, national name exposure and 2, Vice-Presidential wanna-bes.

The candidates from the solid blue states can probably forget about being tapped for VP. Their electoral votes are already pretty safe, so you can figure that the VP selection is most likely going to come from a toss-up state to try to secure their electoral votes. Thankfully, that takes Kamala and Fauxcahontas out of the VP race, and I wouldn't bet on them locking up the #1 slot any time soon either. It also takes De Blasio and Cuomo out of consideration also, which, as a New York resident allows me the privilege of applauding for.

But I digress, something I'm famous for. I'm going to close by posting a map of the 2016 results with this comment: This looks more like a cat-scan of a cancer patient than it does America. And no, for the doubters, the healthy area is red and the cancer is blue.

As a final thought, I'm going to tell you where the title of this blog came from: Romans 1:22.

It seems they had their share of idiots back then too.

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