Thursday, December 26, 2019

What a Small, Small, Small Man

At first I thought it was fake news, something you might see on the Onion or Babylon. As I scanned it, I discarded it into the this can't be real category. But I was wrong, this one was real. And it paints out what a hateful, petty and vindictive schmo we have sitting in the governor's mansion in New York State.

The story is, of course about Governor Andrew Cuomo vetoing the Democrat-sponsored Senate and Assembly bill passed by a wide margin that would have expanded the ability of all Federal judges in New York State to perform weddings. Some Federal judges in certain districts can already officiate at weddings and this bill would have simply added all of them to the list of recognized officiants.

Andrew Cuomo's veto was a surprise, and his comments afterward were despicable.

"I cannot in good conscience support legislation that would authorize such actions by Federal judges who are appointed by this Federal administration," said Cuomo after his Christmas eve veto.
"President Trump does not embody who we are as New Yorkers. The cornerstones that built our great State are diversity, tolerance, and inclusion. Based on these reasons, I must veto this bill."
Really? Diversity, tolerance and inclusion? By vetoing it, you just put a fork into diversity, tolerance and inclusion, Mr. Governor. And by giving such a shallow reason for your veto (it's not about the judges, it's a dig at Donald Trump) ... you showed how intolerant you are. Your hate oozed out and vitriolic hate has no place in government. Party politics are okay during the election, but the election is over and now you're supposed to represent both sides, Republican and Democrat. Republican judges are not worthy of performing a simple wedding ceremony? You should be ashamed of yourself, but like your brother Fredo on CNN, you're not. If the Cuomo clan is to be compared with the Corleone family of film, I guess you'd be Sonny, the hothead. Spoiler alert: Sonny's hot temper didn't benefit him well in the movie, and Fredo's attempts at being a big shot didn't work out for him in the end either.
The legislation was sponsored by Democratic Sen. Liz Krueger, who had this to say in response:
"Four years ago we gave the Governor the ability to perform marriages. Two years ago we gave legislators that ability. Marriage in New York is inclusive, equal, and open to all who want it. So when it was suggested to me that we expand it to Federal judges, I thought, 'Why not? The more the merrier!'" ... "I'm certainly no fan of the judges this president is choosing to appoint - but since any New Yorker can become a minister online for $25 and legally perform weddings, I didn't consider this to be a major issue.
And you are correct, Senator. On the big scene, it's small potatoes. Seriously, how much harm can a Federal judge do at a wedding ceremony?
Sadly, by using the governor's office as a bully pulpit,  Andrew Cuomo again showed us what a pezzo di merda he really is. A hateful, intolerant one at that.
I'm ashamed to live in New York State, and Mr. Cuomo, you're the major reason why. With luck, we'll be out of here before you're up for election again.

    1 comment:

    1. One of 10k reasons we left. People now call me the guy from the baby killer state. It's quite disturbing.


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