Saturday, February 15, 2020

Blue Dog Democrats, Your Party Has Left You

If you're a moderate in your party and consider yourself middle-of-the-road on political issues, you're probably in the majority of voters in this country regardless of party affiliation. Republicans have moderated over the years and have moved a little left, but the left hasn't moved one millimeter right.

Looking at the Democrats running for President, it is obvious they have moved far left. They now reside with the extremist element on the far left. I'll highlight some of the radical ideas below, but before I do I want to issue an invitation to those blue-dog moderate Democrats who are being abandoned by your party's radical takeover by the far-left extremists:

Consider joining the Republican Party. If you can't bring yourself to do that, at least leave the party and join a smaller third party. If you can't bring yourself to do that, change your party enrollment to "no party."

Why should you consider another party?

Because your party has hopped on the insane bus and left you behind already. Oh, they want your vote, but not your centrist views.

Insane bus? What do you mean?

Exactly that. Insane. Scan the list below and tell me these ideas and proposals are good for our country. If you think they are, then consider that you're a passenger on the insane bus already, and stay put.

  • Open borders: If you believe that a country is defined by and needs borders, border security and enforcement of existing immigration law, welcome to the Republican Party. If not, enjoy the view from the far left.
  • Illegal Aliens: If you believe that immigrants should apply to come to the US, wait for their turn, go through background checks, learn about America and its history complete with a thorough test before becoming legal citizens, welcome to the Republican Party. If you drink the Kool-Aid that these are just 'undocumented people,' and it's ok that they drain the resources of every US taxpayer, again, stay where you are.
  • Free college: If you believe that people should be responsible for continuing their education after high school, and that if they or their children choose to go to college, that every other taxpayer shouldn't pick up the tab, welcome to the Republican Party.
  • Democratic Socialism: If you're wise enough to understand that money doesn't fall out of the sky and that forcefully taking money from somebody who earned it and giving it to somebody that didn't or refuses to is wealth redistribution via legal robbery, welcome to the Republican Party. If you believe that no matter how hard or smart you work, that you should not be rewarded for your efforts any more than any other person, again, stay where you are in the new Democrat Party, which rightfully should be named the Democrat Socialist party now... and oh, by the way, congratulations on becoming a Communist, Comrade.
  • Socialized medicine: If you like your doctor and want to keep him/her, or if you like your health insurance plan and would like to keep it, welcome to the Republican Party. Oops, too late, somebody already took those promises away from you even though he said he wouldn't. Seriously, if you understand the advancements in medicine are directly linked to money and that the healthcare system in the US has been and remains the leader in medical innovation because money is available to fund it ... ... and that other countries with socialized medicine fall short as evidenced by the number of foreigners coming here for medical treatment, again, welcome to the Republican Party.
  • Criminal Justice reform: If you believe that eliminating bail for all but the most serious crimes is a bad idea, and that giving appearance tickets to criminals after arrest doesn't result in more crime, just look at how the Democrats ruined the NY criminal justice system this year ... and then consider your Democrat Socialist candidate for President just campaigned on making this part of the Federal system. If you think this is wrong, welcome to the Republican Party.
  • Antisemitism: If you believe this is wrong, welcome to the Republican Party. If you agree with it, then consider yourself on the insane bus driving left again, and the passengers with you are named AOC, Rashida, Ilhan, Al and Jesse.
  • Gun control: If you think the framers of the Constitution got it right, welcome to the Republican Party. If you think the words the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed  means people -don't- have the right to keep and bear arms, then you're already far-left ... and again, stay put.
  • Full-term abortion aka infanticide: If you are repulsed by the idea of a full-term human being being legally murdered seconds before taking their first breath, welcome to the Republican Party. If this doesn't bother you, or worse agree with the refusal of Democrats to sign onto legislation requiring immediate medical treatment for just-born survivors of abortion, again, enjoy your view from the far-left.
  • Climate change: If you are opposed to the idea of the government significantly taxing you more in the name of climate change because they promise this somehow will miraculously fix the problem, welcome to the Republican Party. If you think putting restrictions on US industry in the name of climate change is wise and that other industrialized countries won't take advantage of it when we do, again, keep in your seat on the insane bus. It's going to be made of Chinese steel in the near future anyway.
Seriously.  If you are a moderate Democrat and have difficulty moving farther left because you're wondering what happened to the party that used to espouse your views, you're not alone. Many Democrats are wondering what happened to the party of JFK, and I suspect that if he were alive right now, he'd probably consider switching parties after seeing the craziness coming from (now far) left.

We're waiting for you, and it's easy to do. You can probably even do it online now, check with your local Board of Elections.

I'll see you in November. Either way, even if you remain a Democrat ... I suspect a rather substantial portion of you are probably going to vote for the same person I'm going to vote for ... not somebody that promises free everything while promising to do it for no extra cost.

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