- Get it in writing. Verba volant, scripta manent. (Spoken words fly away, written words are permanent.)
- You can't win the lottery if you don't buy tickets, and you miss 100% of the shots you never take. But don't get goofy buying lottery tickets too often.
- There is nothing worth going to jail for. Nothing. Govern yourself accordingly.
- If you have a choice between being lucky or smart, choose lucky and ask for 2 more wishes.
- Instead of coveting what others have, tend to your own corner of the vineyard.
- Give respect when due and ask it of others.
- Don't let your mouth write checks your ass can't cash.
- There are old pilots and there are bold pilots. But there are no old bold pilots.
- If you're the boss, treat those below you as if it was vice-versa.
- When doing something complex repeatedly, get a system and master it.
- The words please and thank you buy more than you will ever know.
- Give thanks to your creator and the people that brought you to this moment.
- Do random acts of kindness. Do them anonymously if possible.
- Remember, what goes around comes around.
- If you live by the sword, you will die by the sword.
- Revenge is a dish you should never serve cold at all; that's a job for karma.
- Beware of shadenfreude (joy at others misfortunes); what goes around ...
- Fix the airplane on the ground, not in the air.
- Define the problem, define the goal ... and then implement action to achieve the goal. But don't keep moving the goal.
- Don't eat crap food regularly.
- Dispose of your trash properly and recycle as much as possible.
- Monitor your alcohol consumption, lest it consume you.
- Never interrupt your opponent when he is making a mistake.
- There are lies and there are lies. Know the difference.
- Measure twice, cut once.
- When speeding, don't be first and don't be last.
- Unless you're female, never shake a man's hand sitting down.
- If you're lucky enough to drive in the Indy or Daytona 500, don't turn right.
- Remember the golden rule: Those with the gold make the rules.
- Unless you can run faster than 3000 feet per second, don't run from the cops.
- Those that can afford it the least will pay the most.
- Beware of telephone callers with a Calcutta accent.
- If you serve food at a party, go through the garbage looking for your silverware after. Yeah, I was surprised too.
- Discard derogatory racial language from your vocabulary.
- The phone rings both ways.
- When approaching another car, boat, or airplane head-on, veer right.
- Dislike is okay. Hate is not.
- Know where you are on the ladder.
- If you convince yourself you can't do something, you're right. You can't.
- Leave things the way you found them.
- Choose your words carefully.
- Be aware of the coefficient of friction, especially in wet and cold temperatures.
- Eschew obfuscation.
- Sign your name to your work. Anonymous authors are usually cowards.
- Proofread your words twice.
- Beware the pitfalls of the stock market; don't spend more than you can afford to lose.
- When you're right, avoid telling people I told you so unless they really deserve it.
- When you're wrong, admit it and try to repair things. And then move on.
- Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
- Never refuse a breath mint when offered.
- Give of your time to those who deserve it.
- Swearing is okay sometimes. You'll know when sometimes is; it's when you swear.
- There is no such thing as painless dentistry, but going to the dentist is far better than not going.
- Money may not be able to buy happiness, but it can buy most everything else including misery.
- Today's speed warning sign is tomorrows speeding ticket in the same location.
- Resist the temptation to joke with the cop when he asks if you are drunk.
- Remember... no matter how smart you are, there is always somebody smarter.
- Don't buy tickets to a discount bungee-jumping event.
- Sign the organ donor part of your drivers license.
- The hardest part of writing a book is not the writing, it's the editing.
- If counting to 10 doesn't work, keep counting.
- You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.
- Don't tell the funeral director See you soon. He just might.
- You may not be able to take it with you, but you can probably wear the hell out of it out before you leave.
- 86.377% of statistics are made up on the spot.
- Never hand a knife to somebody who already stabbed you in the back once.
- Sometimes, winning is losing and vice-versa.
- The news media may be free, but it is far from responsible.
- Teach your children well.
- Trust your gut instincts. They have nothing to gain from lying to you.
- Choose your charities and vices carefully.
- Act surprised at surprise parties thrown for you.
- Remember, slim chance and fat chance mean the same thing.
- Never say never.
- Don't be a complete horse's ass. Being one partly is bad enough.
- Life is tough. It's even tougher when you're stupid.
- Money is a wonderful slave, but a horrible master.
- A mistake repeated more than once is a choice.
And finally ... Be careful what you pray for; you might just get it. Sometimes more tears are shed over answered prayers than over unanswered prayers.