Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Faster Than Drunken Sailors on Shore Leave

Don't spend it. Seriously, don't spend a nickel of it. Put it in the bank and sit on it for now. If the $1200 you previously got from Uncle Sam is already gone, the word on the street in DC is that there's more coming. Uncle Sam is going to fire up the presses and send you another $1200, if the HEALS act currently being negotiated on Capitol Hill gets passed.

Odds are it will be, for a myriad of reasons ... The biggest being, this is an election year and both sides need to show their voters they're bringing home the bacon, so to speak. Both sides will claim victory, but neither will take the beating that should come with this trillion-dollar pork bill. Who will bother to complain about another trillion being added to the national debt when they're too busy enjoying free money?

You'll be sorry if you blow it on trinkets and doodads you really don't need ... Because you're gonna need it real soon now when all the taxing agencies already familiar with you come up short for next years budget... compounded with the fact that they're already far short of this year's anticipated revenue, thanks to Governors all over the US murdering their business base as they brag about saving us from a dismal Covid-19 fate. In reality, they didn't save very many; NYS had over 32,000 deaths as I write this. When my sister points out Florida surpassed us, she doesn't realize that's only in positive test results, not the death count. Florida was hovering just under 6,000 deaths yesterday when I looked, and that's less than 1/5 of what NYS has so far (if you believe the warped data to begin with anyway).

If there wasn't such a blatant and hypocritical approach to it, it might have been better received by the public. The rules were contorted and twisted to begin with; for example in NY State, Andrew Cuomo shut down everything that was non-essential. This included churches, theaters, gyms, barbers/hairdressers, bars, courts, museums, elective medical procedures and indoor dining (just to mention some on the list). Even construction was shut down, unless it was essential. The economy suffered and went into a recession; jobs were lost and as a result, tax dollars on all fronts were negatively impacted.

But liquor stores (!) were deemed essential and stayed open, and via the appeals process, construction of a tourist center (how essential is that) in Utica got a waiver to continue. 3 months later, the cap blew off in national racial rioting, looting and inner-city destruction. Taking it to even more hypocritical heights, when the rioters protesters were congratulated (NY Governor Andrew Cuomo said he stood with them), then even a mongoloid can see how off the wall stupid these life-saving rules are. Mass gatherings are okay one way, but not another? How do these dimbulbs even begin to rationalize this?

All layers of government are going to raise taxes; simple math dictates this. But first, you'll be softened up. Now there's a boogeyman handy to blame and his name is corona virus. This guy is going to be the sock puppet that is held up when the substantial tax increases come. For example, in the county I live in, the county executive says we're 30% off projected revenue and is begging for federal help. Never mind that the real sickness has been tax and spend for years, and that in the 2 preceding years his less than $400 million dollar budget got a $16 and $19 million dollar increase in spending blowing it well past $400 million ... now he's got his excuse: It wasn't him, it's corona virus.

Ditto for your local municipalities (towns, villages and cities) and schools ... and of course, state government. Sales tax revenues are less than 3/4 of projected numbers, unemployment is up since the Governor shuttered his business tax base ... they're being slammed from all sides. Less revenue and more spending. To top it off, the worst and most incompetent governor the state has ever had decided to journey down to Georgia and ... give them advice. The Charlie Daniels Band's song The Devil Went Down to Georgia has taken a whole new meaning lately. As long as Georgia is listening to northern Yankees giving out free advice, my advice to the Georgia governor is to do exactly the opposite of what Cuomo suggests to him because it sure as hell didn't work here.

That free dough Uncle Sam is giving you ... is going back to a government taxing agency quicker than you realize, and if you don't have it to give back, they don't care. They'll just pluck it from you in another fashion. You're going to pay more regardless of whether you have it handy or not.

And of course, what accompanies a large increase in taxes?

Prices, via inflation. Double digit-inflation. Remember when Carter was in office? Those are going to be the good-old days of inflation .... because, as the saying goes ... You ain't seen nothing yet.

Look out, it's coming to a location near you real soon now. As in, your house on your street.

Again, don't blow Uncle Sam's free money ...

Because it's not going to be free at all.

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