Saturday, November 14, 2020

Something Extremely Bogus is Going On

 Well, in reality there's a lot bogus going on lately. Where should we start?

First, let's go with the author of that quote - Elon Musk. His twitter feed says it all: He got tested 4 times in one day for Covid-19; 2 tests came back negative and 2 tests came back positive. Apparently, there are different tests and this one ... doesn't seem extremely reliable.

We're told science is the best method of handling Covid-19. Well, when science itself turns out to be bogus, then all bets are off. Now we don't really know if the supposed Covid spike is really as large as claimed; remember - bad data means bad results. FWIW, Musk also took 2 more tests that use another method (PCP, and I don't think they mean angel dust) and the results will take a day or two to come back. Musk says his symptoms are like a mild cold. We'll see.

Next, the really extremely bogus thing going on is happening in the Governor's mansion in Albany, NY. Andrew Cuomo, perhaps one of the worst human beings ever to breathe on planet earth has outdone himself with ... extremely bogus statements lately. This is the guy who murdered the business base in NY State with an extremely bogus executive order shutting down the majority of tax-paying businesses ... which had the sad side effect of some of them gone for good. Instead of locking down NYC and containing it there with a perimeter, he allowed it to travel upstate with such things as prison visits, etc. Making matters worse, he mandated nursing homes and elderly care facilities accept Covid patients, which of course resulted in 10,000+ deaths. Measured another way, his executive order resulted in about 1/3 of all Covid deaths in NYS to date.

Ah, the bogus part. This walking piece of slime, upon hearing President Trump announce a 90% effective vaccine, seized the day by attacking Trump. Somehow, the politics of Trump are bigger than the scientific breakthrough of a vaccine. Oh, but when Andy needed Trump's help last spring, he got it, and praised Trump at the same time. What changed? Only who would get credit for releasing the vaccine. If this had happened January 21, 2021 Cuomo would be praising Biden for it. We have an extremely bogus Governor in NYS, and if he doesn't join the Biden administration in some capacity, he will join NYS Mayor De Blasio on the list of politicians who will never be re-elected in NYS. Remember, this guy only won 15 out of 62 counties last time, and with the economic devastation in his power base (NYC), he couldn't be elected dog catcher right now.

Lastly, let's talk about some extremely bogus things that happened November 3rd - the election. When you see the "I Voted" sticker on gravestones, it's no joke. This election was fraught with fraud, period. Fraud, of course means the results of the election are suspect. Who knows who really got more votes? 4 years ago, roughly 135 million people voted. This time, about 150 million people voted. How many of them were actually the sole ballot of a living person? How many mail-in ballots were real votes, how many did the Biden-endorsing postal workers discard (read the news, it happened) and if you think Joe Biden is not an illegitimate President-elect at the present, may I interest you in a buying a bridge in Brooklyn?

This may get sorted out in the courts, or it may not get sorted out in the courts. The irony is, of course Biden's call for peace and unity ... after 4 years of Democrat-sponsored rioting, burning and looting in the cities.

When Kamala Harris moves in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, then perhaps you'll come to realize that Elon Musk is right:

Something extremely bogus went on.

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