Sunday, June 6, 2021

One Good Scam Deserves Another

I first saw him when he went on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson doing a comedy routine. To get on the Tonight Show as a comedian, you had to be good. Carson's talent scouts only took the best, and they had their pick of the crop. I thought he was funny then, and I still find humor in the things he says. And my wife and I saw his movie (Religulous) in which he pokes fun at various religions and their followers. As usual, he used humor to drive home his opinion that there is no God ,,, a view that I disagree with. People are free to believe (or not believe) as they wish in America.

Of course, I'm talking about Bill Maher, who has a late-night show on HBO where he discusses current events and politics. He's been a liberal mouthpiece for years as his comedy morphed into critical analysis of his views of right and wrong in the world.

You can go on Youtube and find him and his liberal guests (Joy Reid from the Communist News Network among others) laugh at Ann Coulter when she suggested Trump had the best chance of being elected in 2016. Sometimes his comedy backfires, as that clip is now eternally famous.

Bill Maher is nobody's fool, to be sure. Before he comes on and speaks, he's well-read on the issues and doesn't overextend himself into no-mans territory. Occasionally, he even talks like a Republican, as he has done a few times lately.

For example, he defended Israel's military response when Hamas attacked them with 4000+ rockets recently, even though liberals are mostly siding with Hamas. That surprised me somewhat.

But I confess, his latest words on higher education amused me to no end when he went on and ripped it as a racket that sells a very expensive ticket to the upper-middle class. He bolstered his argument by saying the following:

Now that graduation season has ended and we won't be spoiling anyone's big day, let's talk about what higher education in America really is: a racket that sells you a very expensive ticket to the upper-middle class.

President Biden's American Families Plan asks the American taxpayers to pony up hundreds of billions so that everyone can go to college and billions more for subsidized child care so that our kids can go to school while we go to school.

Now the right is calling Biden's plan ‘social engineering,’ which is over-the-top, but Biden's plan is an endorsement of a particular idea that the more time humans spend in classrooms staring at blackboards, the better.

Liberals see more school the way Republicans see tax cuts – as the answer to everything. We imagine going to college is the way to fight income inequality, it actually does the reverse.

I know that free college is a left-wing thing, but is it really liberal for someone who doesn't go to college and makes less money to pay for people who do go and make more? Especially since colleges have turned into giant luxury day care centers with overpaid babysitters anxious to indulge every student whim...

And then he uttered the best line of the evening, one loaded with this pearl of wisdom:

Say what you want about Lori Loughlin. At least she understood that one good scam deserves another.


Mr. Maher, may I suggest you take another look at the Republican party and how we think. If you keep thinking and talking like this, we'll patiently await your inevitable arrival.

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