Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Wheel of Justice Turns Slow, But it Grinds Exceedingly Fine

 Gee, it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. (Guffaw) ... Just kidding. A few hours ago (It's Tuesday, August 3 2021) NY Attorney General Letitia James released a 165 page report concluding that Governor Andrew Cuomo did, in fact sexually harass many women. The report includes conversations with victims, an interview with Andrew Cuomo and also used emails as evidence to support its findings.

I've written about this guy before ... quite a few times. If you search my blog, you can see first-hand what I think of him. Spoiler alert: I don't think very highly of him. As a New York resident, I've suffered under his so-called "leadership" in many various ways. His taxes are the highest in the nation, his expanded abortion policy is unconscionably murderous, his mandate to put Covid patients in nursing homes resulted in tens of thousands of deaths and his maniacal ego have impacted every New Yorker.

So I say with no tears in my eyes as I utter the famous Italian phrase vaffanculo, Andrew Cuomo.

Take your book full of lies about how you wonderfully managed the Covid pandemic and stick it up your ass. You are almost done as I write this; the only thing left to question is how you are going to exit the Governor's mansion - either by resignation, legislative removal or if you somehow manage to delay things until next years election with the voters removing you ...

One thing is certain: Your days in power are very, very numbered. I hope you resign, but if that doesn't happen, I hope the legislature removes you. As you join the heap of disgraced and sleazy Democrats like John Edwards (2004 VP candidate who knocked up his Mistress while his wife was dying of cancer and then coerced a friend to say he was the father) and Elliot Spitzer (Client number 9), please think about honor and how it is so easily tarnished in public life ... and then please consider this:

Even Richard Nixon did the honorable thing and resigned.

You don't want to go out the door lower than Dick Nixon, do you?

PS: Take Fredo and that lying/dying networks of fools with you, please.

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