Monday, September 27, 2021

The New Segregationists

SegregationThe policy or practice of separating people of different races, classes, or ethnic groups, as in schools, housing, and public or commercial facilities, especially as a form of discrimination.

We're supposedly better now; mainstream America recognizes segregation is not only wrong, but a blot on our history. Not only have we logically and morally moved away from segregation, we have outlawed the practice in Federal law. The 1964 Civil Rights act banned it in the workplace and all public places. There can be little disagreement that segregation was and is wrong.

Last time I looked, we're living in the 21st century. 57 years have elapsed since 1964; surely we must have learned by now not to practice it. Sadly, it is returning and it is a real shock when you discover just who is bringing it back: The very people and institutions that worked to abolish it!

Bill Maher will be the first person to tell you he's a Liberal, but lately he's made many statements that make Conservatives question his claim. He's no friend of 'woke' people and he recently pointed out how segregation is rearing its ugly head again in America. I'll leave a link to his words at the bottom of this essay, but the screenshot I put up here clearly displays where segregation is running rampant: On college campuses, one of the very birthplaces of the civil rights battle.

It seem the dorms in our esteemed American institutes of learning (over 100 were sampled) are 42% segregated by ethnicity; orientation programs are 47% segregated and college graduation cermonies are a whopping 72% segregated. Further, it almost seems blacks are fine with it that way. If they weren't, it wouldn't take much for them to stop the practice with a few well-placed protests.

I don't usually give liberals a compliment when they utter their usual poppycock, but in this case, Maher is right. There should only be one national anthem (although I disagree with him that it doesn't necessarily have to be the one we have now; I wrote about that foolishness in a previous blog). Citing Whoopi Goldberg as a buffoon on the topic is enjoyable to watch. Whoopi thinks a black national anthem is needed and whites need to be ... re-educated about it ... No thanks, Ms. Goldberg. We're still mourning the loss of Aunt Jemima, thanks to those who already reeducated us. Thankfully, when the real national anthem is skipped at athletic events (as it has been lately), there are people who sing it A cappella anyway.

This is the second of a three-part series I'm running on why racism has become a major divider of America. Part one was about race baiters, the next generation and for that I was called abysmally ignorant and a racist by my liberal brother (which means my points landed dead center). I forgive him; the brainwashing he endured (but refuses to acknowledge) in 10 or so years of higher education all but erased any common sense he had.

The last part of my thoughts are going to center on Critical Racist Theory, the true evil it is and how it has (along with the race baiters and new segregationists) reversed the progress made in the last 50 years.

The future looks dim as far as to how America is going to fix this. The racial and political divide are simmering as I speak, and I fear for the future of my native soil. Remember, when times are bad, the political winds are fertile for a despot to come along promising to fix it. About a hundred years ago, the seeds were sown and it did happen. And we all know how history has a habit of repeating itself, because people don't change. Technology and the environment change, but people are people and if there is any one thing history has taught us, it is that people will barter away freedom for security when the chips are down.

Hell, just look back a year and a half if you don't agree with me.

Here is the link to the Maher clip on YouTube: CLICK HERE TO SEE THE VIDEO

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