Tuesday, July 12, 2022

When You Burn Your Bridges

Hello, Brittany Griner. It seems you've put yourself into quite a jam. As I pen these words, you're sitting in jail. In Russia. And have been since February. It seems you brought something into the country you shouldn't have when going to play basketball there. It seems they were not impressed ... it seems bringing hash into Russia concealed in vape pens wasn't such a good idea after all. Are you guilty? I don't know, but since you pleaded guilty in Russia, at least there you are officially guilty. If and when you get out, you can conjure up whatever words you wish about it then. But in the meantime, those Ruskies have you and there's not much you can do about that.

So, how are they treating you? Is the food ok? They didn't beat you, did they? When I read about foreign jails, I'm learning they are quite different than the US. Your rights .... um, how do I say this? Oh yeah. You don't have any rights there. Oh, they have a judicial system with courts, lawyers and such, but we both know ... You're kind of screwed. What happens to you is not up to you anymore, it's up to them. It doesn't help that they're in a war and the US has done everything, including arming it's opponent to hurt Russia. Putin is no fool, he sees what's going on. At this point, you're a pawn in a global game of chess, and every chess player knows when to sacrifice a pawn.

I see you're asking for help from your native country. That's us, the good 'ol USA. Isn't life ironic? Why, it was just a short two years ago you made some pretty controversial statements about the country that birthed you, raised you, and gave you opportunity galore. The opportunity was golden, but you chose to make a political statement about the US that didn't set very well with most of us ...

“I honestly feel we should not play the national anthem during our season,” Griner said. "I think we should take that much of a stand.”

“I’m going to protest regardless,” she said. “I’m not going to be out there for the national anthem."

Those words didn't set well with many Americans. Oh, you're entitled to your opinion .... and we're entitled to ours. When you verbally defecated on our National Anthem, you kind of pissed off a lot or people, maybe even half the country .... or maybe even more than that. Oh, the woke crowd, the professional race baiters and others afflicted with hate for America might have applauded your stand then, but ... most of us didn't. We understand you may not be happy, we understand you may have grievances meaningful to you ... But the bottom line is, when the chips are down, America demands patriotism from everybody if you are to be respected as an American. It doesn't mean you can't air your feelings, it only means the flag is supposed to bind us together, not divide us. You chose division, not unity.

And now you need your country. Oh, how the tables have turned. You saw other athletes snub our flag, you saw other athletes choose to piss on America and you chose to join them. Well, Brittany, you chose poorly.

Seriously. You made your bed, now lie in it - even in a Russian jail. No American looks forward to one of us ending up in a foreign jail, but you kind of burned your Get Out of Jail card when you chose notoriety over patriotism. Your detractors far outnumber your supporters at the moment.

Someday, you will come back to America. It might be sooner, it might be later. A swap deal might bring you home... or it might not. Putin isn't very happy with $hitshowJoe right now, so I wouldn't hold my breath. You have yet to be sentenced and we'll all see what Russia has in mind for you when that day comes. In the meantime, Brittany ... I'd like you to rethink how you view your home country. I'd like you to think about the words and tune of our anthem.

Here's some free advice for you, which you probably won't pay attention to.

America is very forgiving, but there are conditions put on forgiveness. One of them is contrition and a sincere apology. If and when you breath freedom again, you would be well advised to come to the podium with clean hands, a recognition that America, with all its faults is still the greatest country on the face of the planet and a promise to do better.

Standing at attention with your hand over your heart while the National Anthem is being played would be the icing on the cake. Love it or hate it, this is our country. Our, as in .... yours, mine and every American.

Your choice. Either continue to be a rebel with a lost cause or be a patriotic citizen. We'll be watching, and we hope you make a better decision than you did in February.

1 comment:

  1. Poor girl, hard lessons to learn😖😳


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