Thursday, September 19, 2024

Are You Racist?

 I don't usually go to for-profit movie theaters anymore. Hollywood is a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah to me, and Hollywood actors are, for the most part, far-left nutty turds of society.  Mostly good-looking turds who can read a script with emotion, but still, turds. However, I was forced to break my boycott when I saw the trailer for a movie called Am I Racist?

Am I Racist is (thankfully) not a Hollywood production; it was produced outside Hollywood by a conservative group called The Daily Wire+ ... And it was produced at a rather low-cost. It's premise was that there are some people making a small fortune off telling white people they are racist - Not that's it's their fault, or that they actually act in a racist manner. It's more like an original sin that white people are born with. Somehow, white people are supposed to feel guilty about the biological selection that gave them white skin in creation. The surprising part is that there are white people that will pay large sums of money to be told this, and then go through a cleansing process to rid themselves of white guilt. This is called decolonization in the movie by the con artists and grifters collecting the money to tell them this. Also, DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) play heavy into re-educating white folks. Coca-Cola (although not mentioned in this movie) had another way of putting it: Try to be less white, and although I'm trying, every day I still wake up with white skin. Maybe I should invest in a tanning lamp.

Matt Walsh, a conservative podcaster, decided to shine a light on this ridiculousness. He first attended a group session (and paid thousands to film it, which is a common thread in this movie - all the purveyors of this crap were more than willing to take the money and sign releases). Alas, he was recognized as a conservative podcaster and told to leave. We got a good look at the insanity going on in these brainwashing sessions early in the movie.

Realizing his face was in the public domain with a higher level of fame, he disguised himself with a wig and different glasses. The man-bun on the back of the wig was the icing on the cake - it opened doors for him that otherwise he would never have gotten into. And then he took a DEI course online complete with a DEI certificate bestowed at the end of the course. You too can be a certified DEI counselor, all you have to do is take the online course - and of course, fork over money. Forking over money was part and parcel of getting these dimbulbs to reveal their utter kookiness, and often it ran into the tens of thousand dollars.

Matt Walsh didn't write a script for those he interviewed; he just let then be themselves and explain their dogma to the audience. Of course, when the mask was lifted and they realized they had been played, many of them issued statements trying to defend their words and malign Walsh. It is noted, however, that none of them returned their checks, which ranged from a few thousand dollars to thirty thousand dollars.

I don't want to spoil the movie for you. You can go online and watch the trailer, and I recommend you do. I also recommend you see the movie. Besides opening your eyes to just how stupid some highly-educated people are, it is also a gut-buster of laughter. I think very few people will be able to stifle their laughter; I know I didn't. I laughed out loud many times.

I want to give a special thanks to a couple of ladies in the movie (Rao and DiAngelo). Rao's thoughts that Republicans are Nazis and this country is piece of shit were especially ironic as she collected ten of thousands of dollars for revealing what an abysmal human being she really is ... And DiAngelo's thoughts were great too, especially when Matt Walsh persuaded her to pay reparations to the black producer on film. Hey, it was only thirty dollars, but it was worth ... well, millions, which is what this movie has made already. As of this writing, it's in the top five movies, and even the fact that media movie critics refuse to write about it is telling. You can correctly infer they are all cowards who won't dare go near it so as to not offend their special people.

To sum it up, I highly recommend you see this movie before it leaves the theaters. It's funny and it shows America just how loony some people are. Well, maybe not totally loony, because they are the ones laughing all the way to the bank as they deposit the money they earned for telling dupable white people they are ... racist.

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Are You Racist?

 I don't usually go to for-profit movie theaters anymore. Hollywood is a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah to me, and Hollywood actors are, ...