Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Mechanics of Political Pork: Timing, Location, Media

It's August 8, a little more than 1 month away from Primary Day (September 12 this year). I'd like to shed some sunshine on the $75,000 state grant that State Senator Joe Griffo bestowed in the Town of Paris this morning. The town supervisor, Mr. Christian and 2 of the board members were present along with Mrs. Pratt, your currently appointed but not elected County Legislator. Mr. Christian and I had a nice chat and I think he is really working to better things in the township. I'll add that no Supervisor is able to accomplish anything without working Council members, something I think he'd agree with.

Mrs. Pratt is running to be elected for the first time, and of course the timing, location and media presence are all part of a carefully-constructed scene set to give her what is known in the business as earned media, which is a euphemism for free press coverage. The rumor has been going around for at least 2 months now about the grant, which is to be used for pool repairs at the town park. Getting money in the form of a grant is always a good thing and I'm glad that it ended up at the Sauquoit pool. The public presentation and timing are, however, part of a carefully staged opera designed to inform the public of how deserving your elected officials are of your vote because they're bringing home the bacon, so to speak. But there is another side to it, especially when it's designed to give somebody with no real name recognition media exposure.

In the vernacular, it's called buying your votes with your own tax dollars.

Hey, again I'm glad the money is coming to the town for pool repairs and I'm glad it won't fall on town property owners in their tax bill. However, the real reason it was timed and staged today was not for the good of the town; rather, the good of those presenting the money. Let's talk about Joe Griffo first.

I like Joe, but sometimes he's a little too much of a political animal for me. Arriving with one of his aides/photographer (Rocco LaDuca, former Utica O-D reporter), he had his press releases ready along with his usual spiel about how wonderful Sauquoit is and how he is glad to help keep the quality of life good for the residents. While Rocco took pictures of him speaking, he ventured into left field with how without Mrs. Pratt asking him for the money, why, he wouldn't have known about it at all. Continuing to lay more accolades on her, he went on praising just about everything and everybody in the town... well, except me. Nothing was mentioned about the upcoming election (and at a media splash like this, it never will be mentioned, just implied) ... the message is clear because the stage was carefully set: Again, the timing, the location and of course the media presence.

In politics, no good deed goes without ... making sure the media gets the word out.

The town board was, of course happy to take the money, as would I be if I were in their shoes. But even one of the town board Councilmen who completely is in the bag for Mrs. Pratt seized the opportunity to praise her, almost as if she were pulling out her own personal checkbook and writing the check right then and there. But if you read the minutes of the Town Board this year, you find these pearls of wisdom:

At the Feb. 8, 2017 Town of Paris meeting:

Supervisor Christian welcomed all guests and extended the privilege of the floor, of those present was newly appointed County Legislator Mary Pratt to introduce herself and answer any questions.

Supervisor Christian spoke about the following topics:

 Pool repairs or abandonment to come to a vote before spending a significant amount of money. 

Fast forward to the  April 12, 2017 Town of Paris meeting:

“Town Board spoke about sending out a newsletter with information on pool repairs.  Supervisor Christian stated that County Legislator Mary Pratt never returned his phone call or email about pool repair funding.”

Oh Sweet Jesus. She never even bothered to return the Supervisor's phone call?

May 17, 2017 Town of Paris board meeting

Supervisor Christian spoke about County Legislator Mary Pratt helping to obtain funds for pool repairs.

...But let's save telling the public about it until ... Oh, August ought to be good enough.

There's another story about how Mrs. Pratt wrangled the endorsement in the Town of Paris, but I'm saving that one for personal conversations. Let's just say she didn't initially get it and a $75,000 grant might be the reason that changed. Maybe. (Ask me and I'll be glad to tell you.)

Mrs. Pratt, of course is not stupid and used the opportunity to put herself on the evening news for free. And she is learning ... She did convince the county executive to give $1000 to the Town of Bridgewater for playground equipment. The only mistake she made there was promising the money before the Republican Committee in Bridgewater met and unanimously endorsed me. All the other committees were split; there was no unanimity in New Hartford or Paris Republican Committee votes. And neither one of us garnered the Conservative endorsement either; we are in a Primary for that party line also.

But as I mentioned to the quite hard working and intelligent Supervisor in Bridgewater (Dale DeKing), I'd be a little miffed if I only got $1000 and Paris got $75000. And so far, New Hartford has not gotten a nickel. But the grapevine is rumbling pretty strong lately ...

Or wait! Tonight there is a meeting at the Willowvale Firehouse in Chadwicks about stormwater projects. Maybe there's more pre-election day pork coming. If so, I'll edit this post and add details about it tomorrow morning. For the resident's sake, I hope more money is coming in grant aid form.

Anyway, Here are a few pictures of the town park, pool and the media show this morning. And I did manage to chat with Joe Griffo as he walked out. I casually told him the pail of water he was carrying was getting rather full, which is another euphemism for doing political work aimed to help somebody else. His reply? It always is, Don. How can you not like Joe Griffo? It's hard, because I do like him. I just wish he'd not lower himself to be used like this in such a blatant political manner.

I'll update this if the meeting in Willowvale produces any real results tonight, and as always:

8/8 Update after the Willowvale meeting: There was plenty of political hot air, but no announcement of more pork money. Maybe closer to election day, if I were to guess. I urge everybody to watch the video at newhartfordonline and decide for yourself.

Please remember to vote on Tuesday, September 12 if you are a District-16 Republican or Conservative. Primaries are traditionally very low voter turnout, so if you want change please consider me. Thank you.


1 comment:

  1. Bet they didn't mention the fact that initially Mrs. Pratt failed to answer the Paris town supervisor's phone calls and emails regarding the needed pool repairs! She must have been too busy thinking up reasons to recuse herself from county votes affecting other parts of her district to be bothered...thank goodness election season coincidences with the "dog days of summer"!


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