Friday, September 6, 2019


It was a slower week than last, but as always somebody or a group of somebodies said something stupid. San Francisco, the Gomorrah of the west coast qualified when their Board of Supervisors named the NRA a "domestic terrorist organization." Never mind that the NRA encourages patriotism, defends the Constitution of our country and promotes safe and responsible gun ownership with ongoing education, it is now a group of "terrorists". Thanks for the heads up; knowing ~5 million citizens of the US are now terrorists merely because you said so reinforces my thoughts about Trump Deranged Syndrome having infected the entire west coast of the US.

The irony of naming the NRA as terrorists but ignoring the radical violent mob of street rioters known as Antifa as much more worthy of the description strikes me as what happens when brain atrophy has reached critical mass in a Liberal. I visited SanFran decades ago ... and at this point, I can say with fair accuracy I'll never return. I never left my heart in San Francisco, but I'm pretty sure the majority of residents left their brain there long ago solely because they tolerate walking around human feces on the sidewalks as they conduct their daily business. I'm thinking some new strain of the black plague is going to arise out of this fertile environment because if government won't fix it, I'm betting mother nature is going to take a stab at it at some point down the road.

But this week even that stupidity loses to MSNBC's Chris Hayes, who, in a moment of sermonizing why the electoral college should be abolished came out with this gem:

 And the weirdest thing about the Electoral College is the fact that it wasn’t specifically in the Constitution for the presidency, it would be unconstitutional.

No shit, Sherlock. It wouldn't be legal if it wasn't Yeah, that's the ticket.

Congratulations, Mr. Obvious. Those words earn the dunce cap this week.

Oh, and good luck with that electoral college thing. Good luck trying to amend the Constitution to get rid of it. Do you really think 3/4 of the states are going to vote to diminish their say in Presidential elections? Do you really think the heartland of the US is going to allow 4 states to elect a President ... forever, going forward?

I doubt it. Wax philosophical all you want, it's not going anywhere for the foreseeable future.

But then again, who can really see the future, anyway? The best answer to that is historians, who already have a hint of what happens when the ability to choose representation suddenly goes away.

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