Friday, September 20, 2019

Stupid Q of the Week 21Sep

What a dog and pony show it was this week. First, the grey lady (NY Times) threw yet more mud at Justice Brett Kavanaugh with a hit job accusing him of inappropriate sexual conduct decades ago. Problem was, the details were sketchy and the "victim" refused to talk about it. It was another case of "all the news that's shit to print" from the biased fake newspaper. It's obvious this isn't about what Kavanaugh did or didn't do; rather, it's another attempt to remove him from the bench before another Roe v Wade redux hits the SCOTUS. Of course, all the turkeys calling themselves candidates for the Democratic Presidential nomination immediately joined in calling for his impeachment .... and the irony of it all is they have more sins in their collective closet than Brett Kavanaugh could ever amass in 2 lifetimes.

Elizabeth Warren should impeach herself for falsely calling herself a native American Indian to further both her law and teaching career. Beto should be reminded he drove drunk and crashed a car, and then tried to drive away from the accident and probably would have, if somebody hadn't caught up to him and stopped him ... not to mention his arrest for burglary, of all things. Bernie Sanders ought to get on his prayer rug facing east and thank the deities that let his wife off after her stint running a college into oblivion while cashing some pretty large checks along the way. Kamala Harris ... well, I already wrote about her and she's no Mahatma Ghandi either.

In fact, all of the people running for President have skeletons in the closet. By the time you get to high office, you've trod on more than one set of toes. BTW, this includes the incumbent, but in spite of of that he still garnered over 300 electoral votes, mainly because his opponent was a bastard of epic proportions.

But all that changed when I read what MSNBC's Joy Reid said on Tuesday of this week. With no shame whatsoever, Joy clued us in that she's just another racist posing as a journalist, albeit on the airwaves, not in ink.

She said that white Christian men in America are "increasingly open" about their willingness to enact apartheid to ensure control of the government.
She said America has a problem because it has "a very determined minority—in this case, wealthy white men and wealthy white Christian men and Christian Americans who are of the fundamentalist variety."
She said those men, who support President Donald Trump as an "avatar" for their movement, are happy to use South Africa's infamous system of racial oppression to "maintain power forever."
This is the same Joy Reid that also came under fire for failing to provide evidence of her claim that hackers created a series of fake posts on her blog to discredit her. The posts, which were up for years on her blog "The Reid Report," contained homophobic language, 9/11 conspiracy theories, and other inflammatory material. She apologized but also alleged some of the posts were the product of "hackers" and called for a federal investigation. After a while, she dropped the request for an investigation, which pretty much tells us there were no "hackers" at all.

So here's my Ode to Joy, with apologies to Beethoven. I'm pretty sure that if he were still alive, he'd be glad he was deaf considering the felch the liberal media is trying to foist off as genuine journalism.

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